registration Information 2024/25

Private Lesson Options

for the 2024/25 Academic Year

Music 101 is open for lessons
Monday - Thursday, 2:30 - 8:00 PM


Acoustic Guitar: age 6 - adult

Electric Bass:  age 6 - adult

Electric Guitar:  age 6 - adult

Piano: age 4.5 - adult
Ukulele: age 6 - adult

Violin: age 5 - adult
Voice: age 10 - adult


1/2 hour / $43.00
3/4 hour / $64.50
    1 hour / $86.00


$25.00 per individual 

$40.00 per family

Please send a deposit equal to five lessons
​plus the annual registration fee.   
Lesson times cannot be reserved
​without payment. 
Music 101 accepts payments by
personal check or cash only.

Please make checks payable to ​Music 101
​and deliver to:
Music 101 
57 Upham Street
Melrose, MA 02176


Welcome to a new academic year!  Lessons begin Monday August 26th. 
A few important things to keep in mind when registering for lessons... 

1.  Fall scheduling is made on a first come, first served basis with priority scheduling given to current summer students.  We encourage everyone to register early and give as many options as possible for scheduling. 

2.  We are offering your choice of fully in-person and hybrid lessons.  

3.  Lesson hours are Monday - Thursday, 2:30 - 8:00 pm.

4.  Please include a payment equal to five lessons with each registration form submitted in order to be scheduled.  An annual $25.00 registration fee per student and $40.00 per family must be included with Fall tuition.  
Lesson times cannot be reserved without payment.       

5.  Refunds for fall lessons will only be given if the studio is unable to accommodate a student's request.

Please Click and Read the following link to our POLICIES before Registering: 

Payment & Cancellation Policies

​Register Online!

Download PDF Registration 2024-25

Download PDF Academic Calendar 2024-25


About Our Program

Instrument Recommendations


in alphabetical order by surname


Holehan, Matt:  piano  2:30 - 8:00

Pellecchia, Tanya:  piano  3:00 - 8:00
Sikorski, Stephen:  piano, voice, guitar  2:30 - 8:00

Whitcomb, Rose: piano, voice, guitar  5:00 - 7:00 

Willett, Galen:  guitar, piano, ukulele  2:30 - 8:00

Church, Brian:  piano, voice, guitar 4:30 - 8:00

Holehan, Matt:  piano 2:30 - 5:00 
Ryu, Ha-eun:  violin, piano  2:30 - 8:00
Sikorski, Stephen:  piano, voice, guitar  2:30 - 8:00

Whitcomb, Rose:  piano, voice, guitar   4:00 - 8:00

Willett, Galen:  guitar, piano, ukulele 2:30 - 8:00

Pellecchia, Tanya:  piano  4:00 - 8:00

Sikorski, Stephen:  piano, voice, guitar  2:30 - 8:00

Whitcomb, Rose:  piano, voice, guitar  3:30 - 7:00

Willett, Galen:  guitar, piano, ukulele  2:30 - 8:00

Church, Brian:  piano, voice, guitar  4:30 - 8:00

Contarino, Joan:  piano, voice 3:00 - 6:30
Kotrba, Calvin:  piano, 3:00 - 8:00 
Ryu, Ha-eun:  violin, piano  2:30 - 8:00

Sikorski, Stephen:  piano, voice, guitar  2:30 - 8:00

Whitcomb, Rose:  piano, voice, guitar  4:00 - 8:00

Willett, Galen: guitar, piano, ukulele 2:30 - 8:00